Inclusive Hiring

Filed under Disability Awareness & Confidence, Inclusive Hiring, NDEAM Reading time:   6 min.  | Posted by Dean Askin  October’s a few days behind us now. There’s a winter chill in the air. National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) and our annual NDEAM campaign is over for another year.   Now it’s time to keep the conversation…

A Light It Up! For NDEAM National Disability Employment Awareness Month purple light banner shines on the sidewalks of Elgin Plaza at Red River College Polytechnic in Winnipeg on October 19, 2023. It's shining in front of a campus building.

Filed under Disability Awareness & Confidence, Inclusive Hiring  Reading time: 6 min. | Posted by Dean Askin | Part two in a two-part series  Making the disability inclusion connections to business and employment success is a three-stage process.   First, there’s grasping all the intertwined levels of connection. Second, there’s understanding the inter-related barriers to…

Five hands holding puzzle pieces, bringing them together.

Filed under Disability Awareness & Confidence, Inclusive Hiring Reading time: 8 min.  |  Posted by Dean Askin  |  Part one in a two-part series There’s more conversation about disability inclusion in business and employment than ever. Although, the disability factor is mostly rolled into over-arching talk about diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). And still too…

A man is in a power wheelchair at the base of stairs and escalators. He's looking up the escalator. There's no ramp, so the stairs and escalators aren't accessible.

Just over a year ago — in October 2021 — ODEN launched Jobs Ability Canada. And it’s now officially the only online job portal in Canada using international award-winning artificial intelligence (AI) technology designed for accessibility to level the playing field for job seekers who have a disability. 

The AI platform, developed by Albany, NY-based Our Ability Inc., has won a Zero Project Award for 2023. Among 320 nominations worldwide, it is one of 71 winners from 38 countries. 

If you’ve never heard of the Vienna-based Zero Project, it’s a research-driven initiative committed to supporting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). Every year, it considers innovative solutions from companies and organizations that are designed to eliminate barriers to inclusion.  

Screenshot of the Jobs Ability Canada home page.

Most DEI conversations tend to focus on gender and/or ethnicity. Disability is either left out altogether; or mentioned merely in passing as part of “other under-represented groups.” It’s essential to make sure disability is included in this dialogue — because disability inclusion is driving the future success of businesses; and driving change in the nature of work. 

To borrow from the famous Bob Dylan song, “The times they are changing.” In 2022, that change is, disability inclusion is driving the future of work more than ever before. 
Like “disability,” “work” is a broad term. Both of these things are diverse. Which makes how and why disability inclusion is driving the future of work a diverse, broad topic.  

There is, for example, the angle of how disability inclusion can make a business an employer of choice now and in the future. One can dedicate an entire post to this aspect alone. The same goes for technology and how businesses need to make sure the technology they’re using is accessible, so all employees can succeed in their work.  

When it comes to the future of work, what we’re talking about here — more specifically — is how and why disability is changing the nature of the workforce; and hence the nature of work. And why you need to embrace this change.  

young man working freelance in laptop at home with prosthetic arm

Dean Askin Filed under Disability Awareness & Confidence, Inclusive Hiring Youth of all abilities face several barriers and often lack a voice representing what it means to find meaningful employment. A project led by Re:Action4Inclusion is addressing these barriers. This Ontario-wide group has been in existence since 2008.  The movement “seeks to empower youth to…

The nature of work is rapidly changing and is creating opportunities for jobseekers who have a disability. But for the more than 600,000 employable Canadians who have a disability, many still face barriers to securing employment. 

Today, a majority of the job search happens online. The problem is mainstream job boards and recruitment sites take a one-size-fits-all approach. They’re not designed with accessibility and disability in mind. 

Dean Askin, Communications Strategist Filed under Disability Awareness & Confidence, Inclusive Hiring Second in a two-part series   In 2021, there’s more awareness, conversation and action on disability-inclusive recruiting and hiring of talent, than ever before. This is a good thing. For job seekers who have a disability; businesses; and the economy alike. Numerous research…

Dean Askin, filed under Disability Awareness and Confidence, Inclusive Hiring In 2021, we’re at a watershed moment in history: There’s more commitment to, action on and conversation about disability inclusion in the business sector than ever before. There’s a significant “but,” however. In its 2020 The Global Economics of Disability report, Toronto-based The Return on…

Inclusion write on a sticky note isolated on Office Desk