About ODEN
The Ontario Disability Employment Network (ODEN) is a professional network of employment service providers united to increase employment opportunities for people who have a disability.
We have over 140 member agencies, all in the business of helping people who have a disability get into the workforce. Members are from every corner of the province and support people of all disability types. Beyond Ontario, we have connections with organizations in most provinces and territories of Canada.
Our Vision
That all people who have a disability in Ontario have access to the labour force and the ability to achieve meaningful employment.
Our Mission
The Ontario Disability Employment Network is a professional body of employment service providers united to increase employment opportunities for people who have a disability by:
- Addressing issues related to removing barriers that limit employment opportunities for people who have a disability
- Creating a provincial voice that can speak to government about issues that affect service delivery and support models and the ability of employment service providers to help people who have a disability achieve their employment goals
- Developing marketing initiatives and providing education for the business and corporate sector about the merits of including people who have a disability in the workforce.
- Improving the skills and competency of employment service providers through networking, information sharing, training and the promotion of best practice in the sector.
Core Values
DIVERSITY: We believe the diversity of our group enriches us all as stake holders – providing many perspectives from many backgrounds.
EXCELLENCE: We strive to achieve the highest standards of organizational excellence through implementing best practices.
INNOVATION: We provide a framework of up-to-date support, training, and resources to ensure an inclusive and diverse workforce exits.
INTEGRITY: We honour our commitments. We will not promise what we cannot deliver.
RESPECT: We embrace a person-first culture.
STEWARDSHIP: We will manage the organization so that we remain financially strong with an overall fiscal strategy that supports the delivery of quality services.
Annual Reports
- 2023-2024 Annual Report (pdf).
- 2022-2023 Annual Report (pdf)
- 2021-2022 Annual Report (pdf)
- 2020-2021 Annual Report (pdf)
- 2019-2020 Annual Report (pdf)
- 2018-2019 Annual Report (pdf)*
- 2017-2018 Annual Report (pdf)*
- 2016-2017 Annual Report (pdf)*
- 2015-2016 Annual Report (pdf)*
*Accessible formats of older reports available upon request.