Capacity Building for Employment Service Providers
When you invest in ODEN training, you’re investing in your success, and your team’s success. Choose the capacity-building professional development training that’s right for your needs.
ODEN training meets the requirements for Professional Development hours for CCDP recertification in Ontario under CDPCBO*.
* Career Development Practitioners Certification Board of Ontario
Employment Services Training
This Employment Service Provider Training is designed specifically for organizations offering employment services for people who have a disability.
- Builds a foundation of understanding of employability of people who have a disability, various options and opportunities
- Focuses on in-depth marketing and job development
- Discuss the importance of job coaching, quality assurance and customer satisfaction
Advanced Job Development Training
This Advanced Job Development Training is designed for employment service professionals who want to upskill, refine and polish their approach. This comprehensive course will help employment service professionals learn how to take a business centered approach to build capacity and improve employment outcomes for people who have a disability.
Disability Awareness & Confidence Training
This Disability Awareness & Confidence Training module is designed for those wanting to gain knowledge in order to be responsive to the broader abilities, competencies and needs of people who have a disability. ODEN trainers will prepare your teams to confidently support people who have a disability and onboard new employees who have a disability, with confidence.
ON-Line (self-directed)
Employment Discovery Tool Kit Training
This 1.5-hour Employment Discovery Toolkit Training is designed to provide knowledge about the employability of the people you support who have a disability. Learn how to take a employment first approach and why employment is considered the gold standard for inclusion. This training is appropriate for direct support workers (DSW), personal support workers (PSW), family members, students or anyone who plays a role in a person’s support network.
jobPath Train-the-Trainer for Service Providers
This jobPath Train-the-Trainer for Service Providers course will provide employment service providers with the tools to facilitate effective employment discovery sessions with people who have a disability. Tools and curriculum are provided to ensure better job matches and satisfaction for employers and job seekers.
*Discount applicable when combined with Summer Employment Transitions Training
Summer Employment Transitions for Service Providers
This Summer Employment Transitions for Service Providers, train the trainer session will provide the tools and learning to deliver a summer jobs service for students who have a disability. This program in a box will give you everything you need to operate your summer jobs services.
*Discount applicable when combined with jobPath Training
Other Training
ODEN also offers customized training on various topics, depending on your needs.
To discuss your training needs in more detail call us today at 1-866-280-6336 or email us.