Ep. 17: Disability in the Media, Pt. 1 — Disability Coverage in the Media 

Disability is the world’s largest minority group — one that all of us will likely join at some point in our lives. According to World Health Organization figures, 1.3 billion people globally have a disability.  

People who have a disability are just regular people, living their every-day lives one day at a time…like all of us. Celebrating triumphs in life, and coping with life stresses…like all of us. But that’s not necessarily the message that comes across in media stories about disability. 

Myths and misconceptions about disability are still prevalent. And journalists and the media play a critical role in how people who have a disability…how disability itself…is perceived…and the level of disability awareness among the general population. 

That’s what we’re exploring in this episode, part one in a two-part series on Disability in the Media.  

Beth Haller teaches Disability Studies and Media Studies at Towson University in Maryland. Gus Alexiou and John Loeppky are both freelance journalists who have a disability.  

Our three guests have some powerful insights into the state of disability coverage in newsrooms, and disability-related stories produced in them.