Ep. 15: The Global State of Disability Innovation
If you’ve never heard about some of the disability innovation things happening around the globe….like Africa’s first Assistive Technology Accelerator project called Innovate Now….or StreetCo, a pedestrian GPS app developed in France to help people with reduced mobility safely navigate city streets….or the World Health Organization’s first official collaborating centre on assistive technology….you’re probably not alone.
Disability innovation is happening around the globe…but is it truly happening *globally* in the collaborative sense of the word?
That’s the question we’re exploring in this episode with our three guests: Professor Jutta Treviranus (OCAD University); Valarie Wafer (Chair of the Rotary International Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force); and Christine Hemphill (Founder and Managing Director of Open Inclusion). Have a listen to this engaging conversation.